Kamrul Islam (Ripon)

Kamrul Islam (Ripon) was born in Lakshmipur, Bangladesh. He is founding treasurer of the board of trustees, CCRTB. He is now working as Assistant Manager & was Field Application Scientist at Life Science division, Invent Technologies Ltd. Also, he was a Product Development Manager at Rijuk Ltd. He has completed his graduation in Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering from Islamic University, Kushtia, and post-graduation in Biotechnology from North South University.
He has excellent research-based knowledge in the field of Molecular Technologies. He attended a lot of training in national and international level including Basic Flow cytometry Training from Jamia Hamdard University at New Delhi, Next Generation Sequencing Training from Illumina at Singapore, Training of Trainer English Debate from BRAC Works as an LRP, Training of Facilitator (TOF) from British Council & Training of Facilitator of Sexuality Reproductive Health & Rights From Durbin Foundation & Arrow. He has some research publications in the field of Bioinformatics.
He has a passion for leadership and believes that a leader has to face many adaptive challenges. He is interested in volunteerism and founder member & ex-secretary of voluntary organization Tarunno and organized many programs like blood donation, tree plantation, and winter cloth distribution, child painting competition, motivated 120 members and raised funds. He had donated blood 25 times till now. Since 2014, he was a member of the Durbin Foundation & Engage in the SRHR team of Durbin & included the Durbin App Event Management team. He was also joining secretary of Polli Union club, registration no: like 421/5, and managed the distribution of books and clothes for the poor peoples, students. He had attended Six Model United Conferences (MUN). He was actively involved Active Citizen 19th batch and also working Youth Empowerment wing in South Asian Youth Society. He is also working as a Facilitator, Active Citizens Youth Leadership Training at the British Council.
He wants to continue his voluntary work with CCRTB for curing and preventing cancer from Bangladesh.