Cancer has tolled about 9.6 million deaths worldwide in 2018 (WHO Factsheet of Cancer). The most common causes of cancer death are cancers of:
- Lung (1.76 million deaths)
- Colorectal (862 000 deaths)
- Stomach (783 000 deaths)
- Liver (782 000 deaths)
- Breast (627 000 deaths)
Key facts of cancer
Worldwide scenario:
- Cancer is the second leading cause of death. Every year around 9.6 million deaths are reported.
- Prostate, lung and colorectal cancers are the most prevalent in men.
- The most common cancers diagnosed in women are breast, lung and colorectal cancers.
- 70% deaths in low- and middle- income countries occur from cancer.
- Viral infections account for about 25% cases whereas; approx. 33.33% deaths are due to behavioral and dietary habits.
Scenario in Bangladesh:
- 0.15 million new cases and 0.12 million deaths have been reported in 2018.
- Top most frequent cancers in both sex are- oesophagus (13.9%), lip & oral cavity (8.9%), breast (8.5%), lung (8.2%), and that of cervix uteri (5.4%).
- There is a risk of 11.4% for developing cancer and 8.6% for death before age 75.
Source: Globocan 2018