Hafiz Khan

Hafiz T.A. Khan is a Professor of Public Health and Statistics, University of West London and a Professorial Fellow at Oxford Institute of Population Ageing, University of Oxford, UK.
Prior to joining UWL, he was a Reader in Health Statistics at the School of Health Sciences of Birmingham City University, UK. He trained as a statistician and earned a PhD in Applied Statistics in 2006 from Edinburgh Napier University in collaboration with the University of Dundee, Scotland.
He began his teaching career at the University of Dhaka in 1991. Subsequently, he has worked at several academic institutions notably, Edinburgh Napier University in Scotland, the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis in Austria, the National University of Singapore, the University of Oxford, Middlesex University London.
For the last three decades, he has been involved in teaching Applied Statistics, Public Health, Demography, Health Economics, and Research methods at various institutions. Professor Khan is a Chartered Statistician of the Royal Statistical Society and a Fellow of Royal Society for Public Health in the UK. He is a member of the academic advisory panel of the UK Commonwealth Scholarship Commission in the UK.
He generally teaches modules such as Public Health, Demography and Ageing Society, statistics, and quantitative methods. He provides Statistical Advice and Consultancy Services in Data Analysis within the university. His current research interests include healthy ageing, co-morbidity in later life and long-term care and support provisions for the elderly.
He supervises PhD students in these areas mainly on public health, demography, and Gerontology. He obtained an opportunity to carry out postdoctoral fellowship with Dr. George Lesson in 2005 under a Commonwealth Fellowship from Bangladesh. Later, he joined as a research fellow at this world-famous Oxford ageing institute, which gave him a real understanding of gerontological issues across the world. He has conducted research on “The Global Ageing Surveys (GLAS) with Professor George Lesson and Professor Sarah Harper at the University of Oxford.
He has written extensively on population, health and development related issues and published research articles in journals, working papers and book chapters on health and population related issues (https://scholar.google.co.uk/ citations?user=z8-PmZcAAAAJ&hl=en). He has co-authored two books “Research Methods for Business and Social Science”, Sage, 2007 & 2014.